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Powell Tax Law Blog

tax credits

Maximizing End-of-the-Year Tax Credits: What You Shouldn't Overlook

As the year draws to a close, savvy taxpayers know it's time to start thinking about maximizing their tax credits. These valuable tools can significantly reduce your tax liability, potentially leading to a larger refund or a smaller tax bil...

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Understanding Tax Penalties and How to Avoid Them

Worried couple doing their accounts in the living room at home
Tax penalties are a common and significant issue for many taxpayers in the United States. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assesses millio...
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Top Tax Deductions for Small Business Owners: Maximize Your Savings

Small Business owners working together
As a small business owner, navigating the complex world of taxes can be daunting. However, understanding and utilizing available tax deducti...
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The Power of Giving: Understanding Donations & Charitable Contributions

Person Writing a check for a charitable donation
Americans have had a long and rich tradition of philanthropy and charitable contributions, and today donations are not only a powerful tool ...
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